In 2015 MILKLAB was developed in collaboration with foodies, baristas and farmers across Australia to create the best barista milk in the café industry!
於2015年,來自澳洲不同地區的美食愛好者、咖啡師及農場主人攜手創造了Milklab這品牌, 務求為咖啡業界提供最優異的植物奶選擇。
In 2015 MILKLAB was developed in collaboration with foodies, baristas and farmers across Australia to create the best barista milk in the café industry!
於2015年,來自澳洲不同地區的美食愛好者、咖啡師及農場主人攜手創造了Milklab這品牌, 務求為咖啡業界提供最優異的植物奶選擇。